
by the way, if y’all like being thrifty with food, I wholeheartedly suggest going and buying a turkey right around now. Grocery stores are at the peak of their desperation to get rid of leftover Thanksgiving stock, and turkeys are a relatively undesirable product for 99% of the year. They don’t want to throw these things away and they’re settling for a BARE minimum profit. My local grocery store was offering up a couple different brands for anywhere from sixty cents to two dollars a pound.

A turkey can go straight into your freezer and stay there for up to a year as long as you get it in before its expiration date, and it’s a lot of food that’s not as difficult to prepare as your complaining father has made you believe on literally every Thanksgiving of your childhood.

Signed, a woman living paycheck to paycheck who just bought ten pounds of meat for eight dollars.

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