


my uncle brought his one night stand to meet me in the hospital when i was born

i guess they’d just gotten back to his house when he got the call from my dad and they detoured to the hospital before i would assume going back to his place

but like imagine your otp

“i know we just met like half an hour ago and we definitely came here to hook up but like my brother just had a baby so would you mind putting this on pause for a bit?  you can come meet her too she’s probably a really cute baby”

when my sister was born, apparently my parents just ran into him in the lobby of the hospital

they thought he’d somehow magically found out my mom was in labour and he thought they’d gotten his message to come pick him up

he’d possibly broken his arm playing beer pong apparently and was very drunk

apparently there was a confusing conversation in the lobby before my uncle decided to skip the x-rays he was supposed to be heading for and sit outside my mom’s delivery room and occasionally bring in vending machine snacks

i guess there was a minor panic probably considering he didn’t actually make it to x-rays until a few hours later after deciding labour was taking too long and the people at x-rays were really concerned on how long it’d taken this drunk guy to make it from the er to the x-rays

anyway, he made it back to my mom’s hospital room after my sister was born with a cast and the x-ray tech’s number

Your uncles got mad game dude

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