

These wildlife crossings structures that allow animals to cross human made barriers safely | source

We have these where I live. They are fantastic! Used to see at least a hundred carcasses on the side of the road in the spring when the snow would melt out, all in only about a 10 mile stretch. Now, less than 20! Great bit of engineering! 🥰






You get used to painting with only one hand.

Yes, but the alternative is him laying directly under my canvas and staring at me like this:

So instead we take turns, and since this is acrylic, I can wipe it off them with a damp towel if I catch it right away.

I should clarify for people, since the lighting does not make this super clear–these are two separate cats, Malice (the black one, who shoulders if she is given constant attention) and Vice (the grey one, who can be held but will fidget constantly.) They’re both not yet two years old, and have a long ways to go before they’re on level with their predecessor, Nimitz, the Terror of the Underbrush, who shouldered so well I could do whole sculpting projects and maintain the use of both hands. Git gud, baby cats. 

I choked on my coffee



Curious fox helping for a photoshoot.

Rating: Cute

This is a young fox, around 5 months old. At this age they are extremely curious and a lot bolder than adult foxes as they start to explore the world on their own. They haven’t yet fully learned what is and isn’t dangerous so are more likely to approach humans if they haven’t already had negative experiences with them. Fox mortality is at it’s highest between 5 months – a year, partially because their lack of caution means they’re more likely to get themselves into dangerous situations.

The way this fox is acting looks like it’s never encountered a human before (or at least not one lying down) and is very interested in this strange new creature. Because the man is lying on the ground he will appear less threatening to the fox. The fox is still showing some wariness, which is good, and suggests it hasn’t been tamed by people. The fox also seems very interested in the sound of the camera shutter and may be checking it out to see if it’s a potential prey animal. 

The man also isn’t trying to lure the fox close with food, so this is just natural curiosity.