

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of decoden and polymer clay questions about what to use to as a gloss/glaze. Almost every time the first response is “Clear nail polish, duh!”.

This needs to stop if people want to be creating quality items. Sometimes I’m afraid to buy handmade things for fear that they have been sealed with clear nail polish and they will deteriorate over time. I want to buy things that will last!

I can’t imagine how many bottles or nail polish you would have to go through for use on cosplay stuff but in case you were thinking of it, have a PSA with alternatives~ 

((Nail polish is still great for stopping runs in nylons))






People don’t like creases in posters! I know that I was taught never to fold art. So I devised a very uh… thrifty… method to prevent such crimes.

This is how I will be mailing my posters via letter-size envelopes. Would anyone be interested in this method? It’s about $18 cheaper than the alternative (mailing tubes).

Also feel free to try this out because I think it could be helpful to many.

Oh, and if there are concerns about me taping to the printed side, it is actually easier to peel off the tape from the oil-based ink. 🙂

I think I’m going to use this method for my prints because I tried it and just sat on it and it withstood the force of my butt.

This is fantastic.

Canada Post charges over $20 to ship a poster tube to the States.  Joodlez, your contributions to society will not go unrecognized.

I might actually start doing prints again