

What if,,, senior year talent show reveal


Tbh I was absolutely thinking that this had “Things I Can(not) Do In Amity Park” vibes

(A fic which I ABSOLUTELY recommend and regard as a phandom must-read)

FFnet and idk if its on AO3?


It is directly because of you that now Wes is the one screaming. Everyone else is just staring silently while their minds explode.


I like to think that in truly chaotic fashion Danny simply forced his way onstage, but I also like the Casper High rumor mill mutilating what act he’s gonna do even more-

You. Y’all mentioning Wes- yes absolutely Yes. (Tbh I forgot he existed lmao)

(Thank-you abt the expressions, they were fun to draw!!)

@phantoms14 @cartoongirl @princess-of-the-corner

All of you- I agree with you and YES. Especially if the talent show is the last day of school (as it was when I was in elementary) He’d go off with the biggest bang ever! (Aside from the explosions his parents regularly cause, those are probably bigger)

Jdkshdldhdk Thank-you!!!!!!! XD

Thanks to everyone else who puts literally anything in the tags-you are my lifeblood 🙂



The age difference between Danny and Danielle in canon always confused me. Making them Chaos Twins is obviously superior. (/lh)

Dash: “Why are your eyebrows-”
Dani: “Juvie.

(For my non native english speakers: Juvie/Juvy = Juvenile hall,


detention center, literal baby jail.)