
Ectober Month 2021

Day 3: Mutant vs Cryptid

“Listen, I know you just transferred here so I thought I’d give you the heads up; If you see the boss man do anything…weird…just pretend you didn’t, trust me.”


I have the vaguest memories of the old intern squad series I had based around this same idea from my Chicky days, I mean we follow Danny’s ghostly shenanigans at school but man I would’ve liked to have seen what its like workin for a mans who’s been afflicted with a phat case of the ghost for yeARS tbh 👀

You’d have to sign a rather thorough NDA upon being hired that’s for sure






Okay so I am very tired and I don’t know if anyone else voiced this before but I find it hilarious that Vlad “The Wisconsin Ghost” Masters is obsessed with Maddie when the capitol of Wisconsin is Madison

They really decided to make Vlad’s character design, ‘the state of Wisconsin, but as a creepy old man vampire who is also a ghost.’

Y’all are about the hate me. But the vamp thing is also a Wisconsin thing 😅💕



they really went all in didn’t they


I like to think of Vlad as less “half ghost”, more “part ghost”

And I think it can be made funnier if he was already a vampire.

technically it could be another layer to why he started hating jack. Because jack managed to technically kill him more than he was already dead. Like. Imagine you’re a vampire and you decide to go to college to see what’s up recently and you make friends and get a bit of a crush and then Boom. ghostliness via soda flavored ectoplasm to the face.

what an event.




odd that skulker says that danny is one of a kind i thought he and the other ghosts knew of vlad at this point

Maybe one of a kind given that he’s probably the youngest halfa at that point

I mean we all like to imagine Danny is more of a halfa than Vlad whose ghost form made him sick and almost killed him from the ectoacne

maybe that’s why Danny is so much more valuable

also I figured Vlad was just more scary and more likely to destroy Skulker if he tried anything so the man’s picking his battles wisely

Wait is it canon that the other ghosts knew Vlad was a Halfa or was it just ghosts under his employ for a while there?

I can’t recall was it ever actually addressed in the show???


I haven’t actually watched Danny phantom since that first time as a teen, so easy to say I don’t remember a lot of it, in fact barely a dang thing, but that’s what I love about this Phandom, that don’t matter shit all do it

How’d I’d like to imagine the receiving of the reunion invite went down.

I read all tags and comments, even if I’m quite bad at responding to anyone and anything, I love them all the same and tend to read them over and over again, because they just make me so happy and giddy, I can’t help but want to draw more for you lovely people and your kind words

One last self indulgent piece just playing around with things before I get down to business UvO/* Learning to balance work n pleasure early on is important so I don’t utterly overwhelm myself and crash @v@ Haven’t even opened up commissions officially and I already have two in the works! ( WIP shots for one of said commissions, and all other WIPS, are available to my patrons over yonder here for just one dollarydoo! )